Friday, May 30, 2014

Research on Assignment 2

For Assignment 2, I have thought of many different products which I would like to do. Uniqlo AIRISM, furniture, suitcases, food and many more. In the end I went with American Tourister luggage simply because I saw the advertisement in the cinema and thought "Wow that looks so fun!" Then, I googled the advertisements and found out how interesting and creative they are.





From the website, I found out Vivolite is the lightest and strongest American Tourister luggage so I chose that type. I started out with basic sketching:

The first one is just a bunch of luggage in front and behind are the iconic buildings all over the world. The second one is a girl with a luggage walking around the globe with the iconic buildings around her, implying "Take on the world". But these were too simple so I wanted to research more. So I googled luggage advertisements and these were my favourites:





Samsonite are really creative with their advertisements I was really impressed!! Feeling inspired, I finally thought of the main purpose of the advertisement which is: Promoting a light weight luggage that anyone can travel easily with. From there, I researched more on lightweight things such as feathers, wings, kites and balloons. At first I thought kites were a good idea:

A man is flying a luggage which is supposed to be a kite, this says that the luggage is as light as a kite. Behind him is again the iconic buildings. I thought it was really weird but form there, I was motivated to create more ideas. Thinking of all the vibrant colours used in the first photo of this blogpost, I was suddenly reminded of the movie UP:




Instead of a balloon, it would be a whole load of colourful luggage instead! It shows how the luggage is so lightweight it can fly around the world!  Yes it does sound weird but I think it's good to explore beyond normal and simple! I'm still not sure of the landscape and scenery but I'm a step closer now. There are 3 ideas:
- different iconic buildings 
- one country for example Sweden
- simply mountains and grass

I might change the headline if I can think of a better one but this is what I'm hoping to achieve. HOPEFULLY, I will be able to photoshop & illustrate my ways to create the ideal advertisement. I will definitely do my best and learn new skills to help me get through this assignment. 

I want to pass with flying balloons!!


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