Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Learning photoshop!

Due to the many events we had that clashed with this lesson, my class had to do this lesson as e-learning! It was a bit difficult to process but the videos were still very useful such as this one below gives the overview of photoshop:

By following step by step instructions, I was able to do all the tasks!

1. Layers: I learnt how to change the layer's opacity and its blending mode! The blending mode is able to adjust the way a layer interacts with the layers beneath it. This makes the image looks very cool and interesting. I experiment with all types and I ended up with this.

2. Marquee Tool: I used the marquee tool to expand the rim of the tire! It was a bit tricky as I couldn't get to select the rim correctly but I got it! 

3. Lasso and Magic Wand Tool: I was able to select the men using inverse selection of magic wand tool. Then I use the lasso tool to add areas that have been left out. I think lasso tool is a bit difficult but all I need is practice!

4. Quick Selection Tool: This tool is simple to understand as I was tasked to select the woman's outline! I just click and drag downwards from her hair to the bottom of the picture!

5: Pen Tool: Since I've learnt this in Illustrator already, it wasn't that hard to understand. All I did was draw the path in order!

6: Content Aware Scaling: This was the most simple task out of all six! I used content aware scale and just re-size the picture to make the family look funny!

Overall there are many tools that I still need to learn in photoshop so I will have to find youtube videos to help me! I'm sure there are many really interesting tools and I can't wait to learn more :)

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