Sunday, July 20, 2014

Type on path tool + Image in text

On this tutorial lesson, I did the same steps to re-creating a poster except there are two additional things I learnt: typing on a path tool and image in text effect.

Typing on the path tool was simple, all I had to do was draw a line using the pen tool and just type on it! Due to the line (which can be of any shape), the text will just follow. I find that really cool and will absolutely used it in my future designs.

Image in text effect was really interesting too! As I was doing this, I was really excited *laughs* It was a bit confusing at first when I first heard of it but then I found out how easy it actually is. Just type something, preferably using a font that is big and bold such as Impact > create outlines (take note to click on direct selection tool) > prepare the image and cut it > select the outlined text > paste into > DONE. (If I'm not wrong, haha!)

This is the poster I re-created:

Next, I had to re-create a difficult poster of Shakira. The first time I saw the poster, I thought 'Whoa, how do I do that!'. I knew how to do a few parts but some were quite confusing. At last, here is the completed result. I did my best!

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