Wednesday, April 23, 2014

First lesson of Graphic Design

On my first tutorial of graphic design, I have learnt the various meanings and different principles of graphic design. Firstly, I learnt that one of the definitions of graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphic. This allows to communicate an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs and any other type of visual communication.




I understand that graphic design doesn't only look pleasant to the eye but must also have a purpose. For example, if the menu looks fantastic but no one can find the price of the meal easily, then it's considered a useless and unreliable menu. Therefore, I need to make sure I take note of this.

Afterwards, I found out there were basic principles of graphic design. If I remember correctly, there were balance, proximity, alignment, contrast, white space, rhythm, proportion and dominance. These are the basic principles that professional graphic designers look out for.


Above is a poster about global warming that I've found on the internet. The balance is definitely asymmetrical as the weight is not evenly distributed. The bird is indisputably the dominance of this poster. The big emphasis of it shows it's the most important part and will absolutely catch anyone's eye first when looking at the design. The small elements of the typography shows proportion. There's not much contrast in this except the huge blue bird versus the white background. It definitely pops out and makes it more obvious to someone's eye. From there, the white background also means white space. The design needs nothing else but just the bird and the water. It is less confusing and overwhelming as the message of this design is already loud enough. Overall, the design is definitely powerful as it shows so much emphasis on the drowning bird in the water. It definitely carries the meaningful message of "Help stop global warming" at just one glance.

At the end of the tutorial, I have learnt many meanings and principles of graphic design. I will be sure to use all of my knowledge and create a unique graphic design!

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